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Blood Bowl Fungus The Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot
  • Blood Bowl Fungus The Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot

Blood Bowl Fungus The Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot

Fungus the Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot have it made these famous Blood Bowl players get to maim people in the match itself, then kick back and feast on mushrooms at half time.


Fungus is the ultimate fanatic, hurling a giant spiked ball and chain around the pitch that's almost as big as he is. Where he'll stop, nobody knows not even Fungus himself but if you're lucky, it'll be right in the opponent's scrimmage line. Dribblesnot is somehow the more sensible of the two, despite being a pint-sized pyromaniac with a penchant for deadly explosives. He's able to put an almighty spring in anyone's step with his powerful rockets and bombs, and his mask's large nose protects him from any blow-back be it shrapnel or limbs.

Supplied with 2x 32mm bases.

Blood Bowl
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